4 Ways That We Can Deliver Ketamine Therapy

4 Ways That We Can Deliver Ketamine Therapy

In the late 1950s, antidepressants were introduced, and they’ve been the go-to treatment for many mental health issues ever since. There haven’t been any other meaningful and accessible advances in treatment options until recently, when ketamine came on the scene.

The timing couldn’t be better as mental health issues continue to increase in the United States — in any given year, about 13 million adults have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); 40 million adults have an anxiety disorder; and 21 million adults have depression.

Dr. Neal Taub and the team here at Charlotte Ketamine Center are proud to be at the forefront of addressing these growing mental health issues with novel ketamine therapy, which has become a game-changer for many.

We also understand that every patient is unique, which is why we offer four delivery methods for ketamine, which we review here.

1. Ketamine infusions

If you want to get a large amount of ketamine into your system quickly, we offer ketamine infusions

We deliver these infusions intravenously, and each session takes about 45 minutes. Plan on spending a little more time with us as we make sure that the ketamine gets safely into your system. Afterward, please have someone drive you home.

Ketamine infusions can stop severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. They work quickly to connect neural pathways to shift your mental health in a more positive direction.

2. Nebulized ketamine

If you dislike needles, we offer nebulized ketamine, which is a ketamine mist that you can inhale. Think of it as an asthma inhaler.

For a nebulized ketamine treatment, you make a quick trip to our office, and we administer the mist. As with our ketamine infusions, we ask that you hang out with us for a little bit afterward for observation, after which you can have someone drive you home.

3. Ketamine intramuscular injections

If economy is important, you can opt for intramuscular injections of ketamine — this treatment costs $200, as opposed to $425 for IV infusions. When you come in, we administer two of these intramuscular injections over the course of an hour.

4. At-home ketamine lozenges

If you prefer to take your treatments in the comfort of your home, we offer ketamine lozenges that contain smaller ketamine doses. You take the lozenges on your own and check in with us regularly through telemedicine. (Here’s a blog that covers the treatment in more detail.)

To figure out which ketamine treatment is right for your lifestyle and medical needs, start today by calling our office in Charlotte, North Carolina, at 704-519-6918 to schedule a ketamine consultation.

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